Rufus Turns Off the Lights

Rufus is the snooty, know-it-all, art critic that lives inside the mind of every artist.
We are heading into the season of glowing lights and fireworks bright, and even though I know you are keenly aware, did you know Rufus is too?
Usually, there is a lot of noise that goes along with these lights. Whether it is kids excited for family fun and presents, conversations around the dinner table, or the blasts from the fireworks, Rufus uses ALL of them to try and distract you from the light and leave you in the dark — cold and confused.
The most wonderful time of the year can quickly turn into the most dreadful time of the year, and the way Rufus does it can go something like this:
Twas the week of Christmas and all through your home, everything was stirring and starting to roam. The desserts were not baked, and the food was not done. And the stress of the season was sucking out the fun. The children were wild and running about, a painting was knocked off the wall with only a shout. The guests come to remind you of their sweet innocence. "It's only one of your paintings. What's the expense?"
Everyone finally nestles in for a warm cooked meal, and the conversation begins heading along the usual reel. Achievements galore in "normal" careers and how you've been missing out over all of the years. The talk finally moves on to your anticipated lull. "Time to move on to presents," you say dull. The kids' eyes sparkle and excitement roars for the hopes of what is about to be in store.
Everyone gathers around to exchange their gifts, but somehow the conversation starts to shift. It's back to those who have real jobs and make real wages. Then, they talk to you about considering your age. With such care and concern, who could be upset? They just care for you and don't want you to have to fret. Yet, the words cut deep as they are thrown about, and all you want to do is GET OUT!
When the New Year finally rolls around, you decide you're going to stand your ground. Yet, those words still linger within your ears, and for some reason, they begin to ignite all your fears. Have you made the right choice? Should you even use your voice? But now that courage is nowhere to be found as the fireworks drown you into the background.
If any of this sounds familiar, you are not alone in your plight. Rufus has pulled this trick time and time again using an artist's family and friends against him or her. As you grow into your artistic business or if you have other artists around you this time of year, you will find it gets easier every year to deal with the table talk.
If you're not there yet, redirect the conversation! Practice active listening! Then, you have tools in your belt to knock Rufus off his game, like bringing the conversation back to something mentioned earlier or making connections to other topics of interest amongst the group!
But it is also important to remember if someone is usually just hateful to you, avoid them. There is nothing wrong with recognizing someone's personality aggravates your demons. It will smooth out the holiday for everyone involved and help keep the lights on and the noise down.
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