Learn from Michelle

Paint, Reach, Repeat

Creative Heart
Last time we talked about the sweet spot and how to find it, but now, how do we apply that knowledge?
One of the first steps to implementing the sweet spot method in your deliberate practice isn't going to be what you want to hear, but that's okay. I'll let you in on the secret anyway. In a fast-paced world, one of the scariest things is what needs to happen for your growth — ignore the clock. 😱
Yes, learning to paint in Photoshop takes time, but in the completely literal sense of that statement, it's not actually time that it takes. It's repetition! That repetition just happens to use more time because it isn't just painting a painting over and over. It is having a specific skill in mind, reaching past your comfort zone to achieve it, and repeating that success over and over again.
Rather than needing 5 minutes or 1 hour, really you need x amount of times where you reach and repeat. Why is this?
Well, well, well, it's all coming together! I've harped on in the past about training your brain, and when you reach and repeat rather than just practicing aimlessly, think of it as wiring your brain to have visual and muscle memory!
So, carve out some time, stop looking at the clock, reach for your sweet spot, and do it again!
Eat, sleep, repeat? More like paint, reach, repeat!
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