Imitate Until...

Fake it 'til you make it, right? Well,... maybe not in the sense you're thinking.
This old adage has haunted many generations who feel like imposters in their own fields, but did you know that breaking motions and skills down to just the essentials can help?
I know that doesn't sound much like faking it, but have you ever watched a pianist play on the dinner table instead of the keys? It looks a little silly, doesn't it? It seems a little...fake...right? Because we can't hear the sound of what is being played, it seems like a futile exercise.
What if I told you it wasn't? What if I told you that is an aspect of deep and intentional practice that sets some pianists apart from their peers?
Rather than "fake it 'til you make it" this year, what if we focus on "imitate until you're great?"
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